Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How big is money?

Money: A coloured strip of paper with a picture of Bapu and a sign of RBI governor. It buys us our food, shelter, clothing, education. The Luxury or Misery of our lives are quite broadly defined by the volume of money we possess.
We spend our life to earn a life dependent on money simply to earn a better life. Does money actually guarantee one the Happiness which he is running after ultimately. Does doing your work bring joy and peace to you? Hope it does since thats what you are trying to reach out to! Earn a living to live a lovly life. Most generally, we are loosing the fun of living while trying to earn happiness in exchange of money!
Money does make life easy to live probably but does the convinience bought make us a satisfied being?
Or does money just brings with it the stress to earn more of it or just simply the tension to hold on to whatever amount of it we have with us right now?
In this race to earn the most, we sacrifice our tiny lil wishes which we have very beautifully learnt to overlook. The wish to stop the car while going to the office to enjoy the cool gust of wind or a drop of rain. The wish to sleep a lil bit longer with our beloved whenever we feel like on a working day, or to just keep travelling to unkown places without the pressure of completing an assignment in time. The wish to construct a school for the deprieved. Or just to sit on your terrace, day after day and see the sun go down each day in a different fashion.

I wish to work for the people i come in contact with, wherever I go. I wish to be on a move all the time without getting disturbed by the thought of what would I eat or where would I live once my money is over, how would i take care of my parents or wife and how much would I save for my children and my old age!! The power of money has overpowered the desire to be living simply, without a 'Reason'. What I do today would most likely determine how much I earn tomorrow and hence define my life as seen by the society.
Does more money make me a successful man? What about the tiny little wishes fullfiling which would have given me peace. Would I remain human enough while running in this race to become the so-called 'successful person'. My heart yearns for knowledge, for being close to nature and to death itself. Where would i run from the ultimate finish line of life itself.
But before i sleep forever, i wish to live forever. I wish to be alive enough to feel the wind and rain on my skin, The rush of blood in my veins while living off-the-edge. I wish to see my country's lenght and breath and the way people live in different places. I wish to just sit and do nothing. I wish to see what I do when I am not expected to do anything from anyone. I wish to be with me and do what my heart wishes for.
I know not how long I would survive if I start Walking on that road of 'madness' as seen by all. I wish to become shameless as that is what is required to live a life as human in today's world.
wouldn't it make earn, beg, borrow, steal meaningless.
I love serving people they in turn call me 'good'. I wish to help people, but today to do that i would have to make a career out of it..and charge people for the help i give them else i would be judged to be a mad man.
Can i just sit and look at the sun going down each day with the people i love being with.


  1. The feelings which you have are what we all miss to understand in our busy life. we are indeed too busy to smell the wet soil and realise the blessings which we have.follow your heart and do what you love enjoy the wind, elp and be with your loved ones and ya sleep alot when you like

  2. i love u more after reading ur innermost dilemma and desires. what you hav written is beautiful; at the same time let me assure you that u are not alone on this road, i have met so many people (incl some you already kno) who wish(ed) to tread this path..i hope this fire in our respective bellies ;) doesnt die down soon coz its bcoz of this fire that we will push ourselves to the extremes, know so much more abt ourselves and since we do not expect anything from anyone, spread smiles around :) cheers


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