Saturday, November 21, 2009

When a woman says,'Lets have a discussion honey'.

Actions and Promises can never change others opinion about you. When they dont trust you, no matter what you do, it would only make them feel more cheated and betrayed. Once love becomes a battle field, the virginity of emotions once lost can never be won back.

When a woman asks for her man's opinion about something and then decides to have a discussion about it..Beware. For a man, it doesn't take much time for 'good times' to turn into 'horror'.
It seems women seek immense pleasure in playing games with us, the men. The only problem is that we, men, are too stupid to even play this game forget about competing or winning. Only Women are equipped with flawless communication skills, sharp memory and recall and most importantly emotions. And in the game of 'Lets have a discussion', they prove to be unbeatable cause they possess the skills of throwing words which, it turns out later, we ALWAYS misunderstand. When they start a discussion they seem to be making some sense but very soon we realise we are just going round and round a circle..a circle with no center. We then lose our capacity to focus or compute even a single sentence. We fall in the traps of our own words and patience is the first one to surrender from our end. The strategy of using sentences filled with words like emotions and feelings and name a few knock us down in the first couple of rounds itself. We are blamed for all the pain life has given to women. There are ample reasons put across to us in support of each and every accusation and mistakes we made, but hey, we are too confused by now to understand any..infact we never ever even thought about our actions till this moment. Yes, all we did was make mistakes, though we were only honestly doing everything we possibly could, with the only intentions of keeping our women happy. It turns out that they were making sacrifices instead, as they were bearing with us all this while.
At the end of it, we are left helpless, irritated and frustrated. We might be feeling wrecked cause never before had we realised that the person whom we loved from the core of our heart was being hurt by each and every action of ours. The one person for whose sake we were ready to fight the entire world without even a moments hesitation has now charged us of betrayal. Its no one else but we who disrespected, exploited, tortured our own women. Even though our mission statement and actions grew from the seeds of love for our women, even though they desires and dreams of our women had been the moto, goal or focus of our actions all through our relationship... We are today blamed of not even being able to understand them as in what they actually meant or expected from us, in the first place.
They no longer expect anything from us, they actually never did they say. They now want us to take our own decisions and just do what we feel like or desire for,just the way we had always had. They now want us to forget about them, and leave them in the sorrow that by the way is caused by us cause of our selfish being. We have proved to be unacceptable, unreasonable, selfish, self-centered, uncaring MEN. Apologees only act as sprinkling salt to the wound cause a sorry now is not spoken as an outcome of introspection or regret but only a word put in by us to make them feel better.
By the end of the discussion, it no longer is a discussion. Its now a battle, a long lost battle and the enemy was ourselves! We are left alone. We no longer have the company of the only single person for whome we had cared the most in our lives. We are left without a moto or goal or focus since till now we had only seeked for achieving what our women had desired for but now its all gone.
Whats left is a lost man, cursing himself for hurting his women and with a reason beyond his capabilities of analysis or understanding.
What went wrong? Where was the mistake made? When did all this, so big happen and went on unnoticed?
There are no answers. No one can help us out cause a woman we can never trust again. From her would never our dreams or goal of life be derived. We did have a heart but we were accused of not having one. Now that heart is broken and no one to even bother about it.

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