Saturday, November 21, 2009

When a woman says,'Lets have a discussion honey'.

Actions and Promises can never change others opinion about you. When they dont trust you, no matter what you do, it would only make them feel more cheated and betrayed. Once love becomes a battle field, the virginity of emotions once lost can never be won back.

When a woman asks for her man's opinion about something and then decides to have a discussion about it..Beware. For a man, it doesn't take much time for 'good times' to turn into 'horror'.
It seems women seek immense pleasure in playing games with us, the men. The only problem is that we, men, are too stupid to even play this game forget about competing or winning. Only Women are equipped with flawless communication skills, sharp memory and recall and most importantly emotions. And in the game of 'Lets have a discussion', they prove to be unbeatable cause they possess the skills of throwing words which, it turns out later, we ALWAYS misunderstand. When they start a discussion they seem to be making some sense but very soon we realise we are just going round and round a circle..a circle with no center. We then lose our capacity to focus or compute even a single sentence. We fall in the traps of our own words and patience is the first one to surrender from our end. The strategy of using sentences filled with words like emotions and feelings and name a few knock us down in the first couple of rounds itself. We are blamed for all the pain life has given to women. There are ample reasons put across to us in support of each and every accusation and mistakes we made, but hey, we are too confused by now to understand any..infact we never ever even thought about our actions till this moment. Yes, all we did was make mistakes, though we were only honestly doing everything we possibly could, with the only intentions of keeping our women happy. It turns out that they were making sacrifices instead, as they were bearing with us all this while.
At the end of it, we are left helpless, irritated and frustrated. We might be feeling wrecked cause never before had we realised that the person whom we loved from the core of our heart was being hurt by each and every action of ours. The one person for whose sake we were ready to fight the entire world without even a moments hesitation has now charged us of betrayal. Its no one else but we who disrespected, exploited, tortured our own women. Even though our mission statement and actions grew from the seeds of love for our women, even though they desires and dreams of our women had been the moto, goal or focus of our actions all through our relationship... We are today blamed of not even being able to understand them as in what they actually meant or expected from us, in the first place.
They no longer expect anything from us, they actually never did they say. They now want us to take our own decisions and just do what we feel like or desire for,just the way we had always had. They now want us to forget about them, and leave them in the sorrow that by the way is caused by us cause of our selfish being. We have proved to be unacceptable, unreasonable, selfish, self-centered, uncaring MEN. Apologees only act as sprinkling salt to the wound cause a sorry now is not spoken as an outcome of introspection or regret but only a word put in by us to make them feel better.
By the end of the discussion, it no longer is a discussion. Its now a battle, a long lost battle and the enemy was ourselves! We are left alone. We no longer have the company of the only single person for whome we had cared the most in our lives. We are left without a moto or goal or focus since till now we had only seeked for achieving what our women had desired for but now its all gone.
Whats left is a lost man, cursing himself for hurting his women and with a reason beyond his capabilities of analysis or understanding.
What went wrong? Where was the mistake made? When did all this, so big happen and went on unnoticed?
There are no answers. No one can help us out cause a woman we can never trust again. From her would never our dreams or goal of life be derived. We did have a heart but we were accused of not having one. Now that heart is broken and no one to even bother about it.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Vikramaditya Jain

Riding my bike at dawn with rain drops desperate to pierce the face..just riding for the sake of it, no where to go, no where to reach... No wrist watch to look at and no cellphone vibrations to make me halt ... Aah would do that again would do that alright, its a call of nature to live and to stay ALIVE.
Its not with an intention to go against set norms, its a feeling so true it can make no harm. I do it with passion though alert every moment, cause I have other dreams too waiting to be answered. There are loved ones here I never wish to part from but its human to wish for loneliness when there is plenty to Cherish around.
It only when hes gone we miss him so much that body is no more but the soul lives on. A delicate touch or kiss on the chick the shower of blessings or scolding at best..these no more ever seem to hurt, what hurts is the loss I can never make up.
Its adrenaline which kills when not controlled but tell me oh father is controlling my role? Let me live the way my heart feels for as it is am a pupet with a destination set long ago.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Seven pounds of courage and intensity

I watched this movie SEVEN POUNDS sometime back and felt sharing my thoughts. By the name of the movie I thought it must be something related to the British currency or some downtrodden man or a beggar ….towards the end of the movie it was wonderfully revealed what the title meant, it was about the human heart which weighs just 7 lbs. The movie tells a lot about how brave and emotionally logical a little part of the body controls everything and that without complaints.

It takes us just seconds and not much effort to hurt a human heart, which by the way on its own way makes the entire human body function for years and thorough tough harsh times. I as a human, am alive because of my heart. There is something special about the rhythm of my heart, it asks me to do illogical unreasonable acts with such ease, it asks me to feel for people around me whom may be I have never met at all and have known only distantly, it makes me cry for the sadness which other creations of god go through, it helps me be amazed by nature beauty and strength, it makes me imagine and fly when I am actually tied down to inabilities and routines of life.

My life hasn’t been remarkable or extraordinary by any sense, not something anyone would be very proud of. I have very limited wants from life. But the fact is that I don’t just wish to just ‘survive’. I wish to ‘live’. I don’t wish to disappoint my heart by not hearing to it most of the time. I might end up being just a no one, might not achieve worldly highs but the only thing I wish for is to somehow be able to help the needy, the ones whose heart is weeping, to not be dishonest to myself, be able to see and feel nature and have the courage to stand up to this wish. While following my wish I might annoy and hurt my most loved ones themselves. The irony is that the people around me, my loved ones who have helped me grow up are the best humans I have ever known. They feel for people, they wish for everyone’s well being, they are courageous enough to not step over others to fulfil worldly temptations. They have faith in me. I love them and they are my strength. Looking at them live each day, I feel blessed. I feel that the world isn't a mean place after all.. that its our responsibility to keep the world a beautiful place for all to witness joy of the soul. Each one is beautiful else the world and life wouldn't have been this beautiful. If nature is beautiful its cause the dead and alive together make it that way.

If we can see the sea, mountain, forest, clouds, river, sun, moon, stars.... the dead... to be beautiful, imagine.... .... how beautiful are you.. the living part of nature.. the living part of my life. I love you. I wish I always do cause until we love ourselves for what we are, how would we love our own efforts.

The very few ways known for attaining satisfaction and peace in life is as I discover slowly is – doing what you feel right and have a craving for. Its about the intention behind the action. If intentions are good life might get back to us with rosy future or the ultimate date of death. There are times when we have to hide the truth but one needs to make sure whether he can carry the weight of that lie. Its not being brave but more of being aware about how others are dependant on you with various dreams, fulfilling those dreams would also bring happiness and peace but is it worth being tied to routines of life.

Lets take out the money factor and imagine life.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How to minimise the opportunity cost destined for us

I was thinking about how people today have lost the art of trusting in each other. We might all find ourselves fit for the job of a suspicion-ist ! Here's a nice quote I came across today, by Swami Sukhabodhananda, ‘A man was passing through the octroi post with a cycle and a pot full of mud. The octroi inspector inspected the pot, consulted his manual, discovered that mud was not in the schedule for revenue and let the cyclist proceed. The next day the same man came with his cycle and pot of mud and the octori inspector, convinced that something was amiss, inspected the pot and allowed the man to proceed. This happened daily. After the inspector retired, he asked the man what it was that he was smuggling in. The old man said “Cycles”. ’

We like the inspector, indulge in pettiness and miss out on the joys of life, the spirit of challenges and the fun in the simple things. We need to reorganise our lives so that each day we are able to add value in the areas of intimacy, family, work and spiritual life. We are wasting our energies in little unimportant issues which seem to be big and demanding urgent action. Being relaxed is not a crime, infact it helps one keep his mind and body calm. We think better and most importantly we tend to enjoy the little things in life. The only way our mind can help us follow our heart is when we listen to it in the first place and for that we need to believe in it. The education system helps our race to create perfectly suspicious mind and not an inquisitive one. We are taught thoroughly to be suspicious of every situation we face in life, that when things donot follow a set pattern we needed to be worried, we need to make sure that life runs smoothly without any deviation. But isn’t this all a crap theory!

We all know what happens would happen according to the creations of the higher supreme (ie,if you believe in the idea of someone living above you) so why not just ACCEPT things the way they are. Why do we kill our likings and joys to make the wasteful effort of keeping situations on line and plan for the worst! Arnt we loosing the time we could have spent enjoying and loving those changes in life, this newness life gave us and the opportunity to look at. Arnt we loosing the patience to look at the bigger picture instead of mastering the art of focusing on one and trying to preserve or resolve it as per the need be!!

My wish to grow and not just live, would surely bestow loads of trouble but the ‘journey’ would atleast make me happy about the fact that I ‘tried’. That I gave myself a fare chance to be relaxed and happy in my life. (As if following the heart is a criminal offence now-a-days) Lets make the effort to be bindas, and see how happy we and our loved ones around us, start feeling when we value their benefits 1st and our contentment next. Lets just stop worrying too much and start accepting what comes. Be relaxed to enjoy life.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How big is money?

Money: A coloured strip of paper with a picture of Bapu and a sign of RBI governor. It buys us our food, shelter, clothing, education. The Luxury or Misery of our lives are quite broadly defined by the volume of money we possess.
We spend our life to earn a life dependent on money simply to earn a better life. Does money actually guarantee one the Happiness which he is running after ultimately. Does doing your work bring joy and peace to you? Hope it does since thats what you are trying to reach out to! Earn a living to live a lovly life. Most generally, we are loosing the fun of living while trying to earn happiness in exchange of money!
Money does make life easy to live probably but does the convinience bought make us a satisfied being?
Or does money just brings with it the stress to earn more of it or just simply the tension to hold on to whatever amount of it we have with us right now?
In this race to earn the most, we sacrifice our tiny lil wishes which we have very beautifully learnt to overlook. The wish to stop the car while going to the office to enjoy the cool gust of wind or a drop of rain. The wish to sleep a lil bit longer with our beloved whenever we feel like on a working day, or to just keep travelling to unkown places without the pressure of completing an assignment in time. The wish to construct a school for the deprieved. Or just to sit on your terrace, day after day and see the sun go down each day in a different fashion.

I wish to work for the people i come in contact with, wherever I go. I wish to be on a move all the time without getting disturbed by the thought of what would I eat or where would I live once my money is over, how would i take care of my parents or wife and how much would I save for my children and my old age!! The power of money has overpowered the desire to be living simply, without a 'Reason'. What I do today would most likely determine how much I earn tomorrow and hence define my life as seen by the society.
Does more money make me a successful man? What about the tiny little wishes fullfiling which would have given me peace. Would I remain human enough while running in this race to become the so-called 'successful person'. My heart yearns for knowledge, for being close to nature and to death itself. Where would i run from the ultimate finish line of life itself.
But before i sleep forever, i wish to live forever. I wish to be alive enough to feel the wind and rain on my skin, The rush of blood in my veins while living off-the-edge. I wish to see my country's lenght and breath and the way people live in different places. I wish to just sit and do nothing. I wish to see what I do when I am not expected to do anything from anyone. I wish to be with me and do what my heart wishes for.
I know not how long I would survive if I start Walking on that road of 'madness' as seen by all. I wish to become shameless as that is what is required to live a life as human in today's world.
wouldn't it make earn, beg, borrow, steal meaningless.
I love serving people they in turn call me 'good'. I wish to help people, but today to do that i would have to make a career out of it..and charge people for the help i give them else i would be judged to be a mad man.
Can i just sit and look at the sun going down each day with the people i love being with.

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